@extends('layout.investor') @section('title', 'Quarterly Results Publications | Nexus | Real Estate Investment Trust') @section('description', 'Quarterly Results Publications - Nexus Select Trust is India’s publicly listed retail Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).') @section('keywords', 'Quarterly Results Publications, REIT, Real Estate Investment Trust, Nexus Select Trust') @section('canonical', 'https://www.nexusselecttrust.com/results-publications') @section('body_class', 'investor-body') @section('pagecontent')
{{-- @include('layouts.investor-header') --}}

Distribution History

@if($distrubutio_history->count() > 0) @endif

(All figures in INR Per Unit # )

@if($distrubutio_history->count() > 0) @foreach($distrubutio_history as $history) @endforeach @else @endif

# Rounded off to nearest two decimals

* Period starting from date of listing (19-May-23) to 30-Sep-23

Please address your queries, quoting DP & Client ID and Name of the First Unit Holder at the address given below :

distributioNatNxST@nexusselecttrust.com nexusselecttrust.ipo@kfintech.com

Unclaimed Distribution

@php $fy_year = ''; @endphp @foreach($distribution_devidend_data as $d_data) @if($fy_year != $d_data->year) @php $fy_year = $d_data->year; @endphp @endif @endforeach
Financial Year Quarter/Period Amount lying unclaimed (in INR) Category No. of Unitholders Date when amount became due(dd-mm-yyyy) Date when Unclaimed Amount was transferred to Unpaid Distribution Account(dd-mm-yyyy) Date when amount is to be transferred to IPEF(dd-mm-yyyy)#
Interest (net of TDS)(INR) Dividend (INR) Repayment of SPV level debt (INR) Other Income (INR)
{{ $d_data->year }} {{ $fy_year }} {{ $d_data->period }} {{ $d_data->amount_unclaimed }} {{ $d_data->interest_rate }} {{ $d_data->dividend }} {{ $d_data->svp_level_debt }} {{ $d_data->other_income }} {{ $d_data->no_of_unitholders }} {{ $d_data->date_of_due }} {{ $d_data->date_of_unpaid_distribution }} {{ $d_data->date_of_ipef }}

*Period starting from the date of listing i.e., 19-May-23 to 30-Sep-23

#Any amount transferred to the Unpaid Distribution Account prior to the date on which the Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS-RAC-1/P/CIR/2023/177 dated November 8, 2023 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Circular) comes into effect i.e., March 1, 2024 and which remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven years from March 1, 2024, the same shall be transferred to the IPEF alongwith interest accrued, if any within thirty days from the date of expiry of seven years.

Name and Designation of Nodal Officer:

Ms. Charu Patki | Compliance Officer

Email ID:


Phone no.:

+91 022 6280 5000

Cumulative details of claims received/pending:

During the Financial Year
Number of claims
Number of claims
Number of claims
7 7 0

Check if you have any unclaimed distribution below:

Amount due to unitholder on the date of declaration (INR) Category Date when amount became due (dd/mm/yyyy) Amount (in INR) transferrred to Unpaid Distribution Account (including penal interest, if any, for delay in transfer by the Manager Date when unclaimed amount was transferred to Unpaid Distribution Account (dd/mm/yyyy)
Interest Net of TDS (INR) Repayment of SPV level debt (INR) Dividend (INR) Other Income (INR)

Policy for Processing and Claiming of Unclaimed Amount

Unclaimed Interest

ISIN Amount lying unclaimed (in INR) Category No. of Investors Date when amount became due
Date when unclaimed amount was transferred to Escrow Account
Date when amount is to be transferred to IPEF
Interest Dividend Redemption amount
Not Applicable

Name and designation of the Nodal Officer:

Ms. Charu Patki | Compliance Officer

Email ID:


Phone no.:

+91 022 6280 5000

Cumulative details of claims received/pending:

During the Financial Year
Number of claims
Number of claims
Number of claims
Not Applicable

Check if you have any unclaimed Interest below:

Amount due to the investor on the date of payment (INR) Category Date when amount became due
Amount (in INR) transferred to Escrow account (including penal interest, if any, for delay in transfer by the listed entity) Date when unclaimed amount was transferred to Escrow account
Interest Dividend Redemption amount
@endsection @section('js-add') @endsection