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Composition of Committee

Nexus Select Trust is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and has established a number of committees to assist in fulfilling its responsibilities to stakeholders. The following is an overview of the composition of each of the REIT's committees

Audit Committee


The Audit Committee shall comprise of at least three members, with at least 2/3rd of the Audit Committee comprising independent directors. The chairperson of the Audit Committee shall be an independent director. All members of the Audit Committee shall be financially literate and at least one member shall have accounting or related financial management expertise. The compliance officer of the Manager shall act as the secretary to the Audit Committee.

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall be two members (both independent directors).All matters shall be approved by at least a simple majority of the members or such other threshold as may be prescribed under applicable law

Frequency of meetings

shall meet at least once in every calendar quarter, with a maximum interval of 120 days between any two consecutive meetings of the Audit Committee, such that at least four meetings are held in each calendar year and further such number of times as required considering the scope and terms of reference of the Audit Committee

Sadashiv Rao


Jayesh Merchant


Arjun Sharma


Alpana Parida


Stakeholders Relationship Committee


The Stakeholder and Relationship Committee shall comprise of at least three members, with at least one independent director also being a member.The chairperson of the Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee shall be an independent director

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall be at least 50% of the number of members of the Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee.All matters shall be approved by at least a simple majority of the members

Frequency of meetings

shall meet at least two times every year, and further such number of times as required considering the scope and terms of reference of the Stakeholders’ Relationship

Michael Holland


Dalip Sehgal


Asheesh Mohta


Risk Management Committee


The Risk Management Committee shall have minimum three members with majority of them being members of the board of directors, including at least one independent director. The Chairperson of the Risk management committee shall be a member of the board of directors.

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall be either two members or one-third of the members of the Risk Management Committee, whichever is higher, including at least one member of board of directors

Frequency of meetings

The Risk Management Committee shall meet at least twice a year with a maximum interval of 180 days between any two consecutive meetings of the Risk Management Committee

Jayesh Merchant


Alpana Parida


Michael Holland


Dalip Sehgal


Nomination and Remuneration Committee


The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall comprise of at least three members, with all members being independent directors.

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall be either two members or one third of the members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee,whichever is higher, including at least one independent director. All matters shall be approved by at least a simple majority of the members

Frequency of meetings

shall meet at least two times every year, and further such number of times as required considering the scope and terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Alpana Parida


Sadashiv Rao


Michael Holland


REIT IPO Committee


The REIT IPO Committee shall comprise of at least four members

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall be at least 50% of the members of the IPO Committee. All matters shall be approved by at least a simple majority of the members

Frequency of meetings

The REIT IPO Committee shall meet as frequently as required in connection with the Offer

Jayesh Merchant


Tuhin Parikh


Asheesh Mohta


Arjun Sharma


Investment Committee

Quorum and voting

The quorum shall comprise of all members of the Investment Committee. All matters shall be approved by at least a simple majority of the members. Provided that related party transactions shall be decided by unanimous consent of all ‘non-related’ members of the Investment Committee

Frequency of meetings

The Investment Committee shall meet at least twice a calendar year and such number of times as required considering the scope and terms of reference of the Investment Committee

Michael Holland


Sadashiv Rao


Tuhin Parikh


Arjun Sharma


Dalip Sehgal


CSR and ESG Committee


CSR & ESG Committee shall at all times comprise of a minimum of three Directors, with at least one of the members comprising of Independent Director, the Chairperson of the CSR & ESG Committee shall be an Independent Director and the Company Secretary of the Manager shall act as the Secretary to the CSR & ESG Committee

Quorum Voting

the quorum for meetings of the CSR & ESG Committee shall be at least 50% 2 (two) of the members of the CSR & ESG Committee, of which at least 50% 1 (one) of the Directors present shall be Independent Directors

Frequency of Meetings

CSR Committee shall meet atleast two times in a year as frequently or as determined by the Board of directors of the Manager or as directed by the Trustee

Michael Holland


Dalip Sehgal


Alpana Parida


Arjun Sharma


Asheesh Mohta


Borrowing Committee


Borrowing Committee shall, at all times, comprise of a minimum of three directors, with at least one member of the Borrowing Committee comprising of an Independent Director, at least one member shall have accounting or related financial management expertise, the Chairperson shall be an Independent Director and the Company Secretary of the Manager shall act as the Secretary to the Borrowing Committee.

Quorum Voting

the quorum for meetings of the Borrowing Committee shall be one-third of its total strength (any fraction contained in that one-third be rounded off as one), subject to a minimum of two members

Frequency of Meetings

shall meet such number of times as required considering the scope and terms of reference of the Borrowing Committee

Sadashiv Rao


Asheesh Mohta


Dalip Sehgal

